Saturday, January 31, 2009


Discipline: World Languages
Grades: K-4

I decided to use the Standard as seen on the World Languages discipline, since that is my career choice. I have a major in translation, and I am getting my MA in bilingual education. Before coming to the US ,I was teaching K level classes in Brazil, and also tutoring English to Brazilian kids.
I am going back to do it when I go back home. Keep teaching kids about different cultures and other languages. As an ELL myself, I know how interesting and even important it is to learn not only the language itself, but also the culture of other countries.


  1. Which standard in K-4 World Languages will you be using? Also, how can you connect this standard with visual learning?

  2. (Cultures
    Content Standard 4: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, products and perspectives of the cultures studied.)

    The students need to identify themes, ideas, celebrations,food, dressing, toys, etc from different culutres.

    In order to learn more about it, not only they will have to "participate" in a way of this new culture, but also have access to information, books, pictures, websites..Maybe during the process they can create a bolg or a website in class (or individualy) showing what they hahve been learning about the different culture they have been studying.

    They can have access to the music and create their own "radio" with different songs from the target country.

    There are many ways of connecting this standard with visual learning.

  3. Great, I can't wait to see your digital story related to this! I bet you'll have good ideas for your podcast too.
